Notes: Lincoln. Baby passed muconium before birth. Mother was induced and discharged when baby was 22 hours old. 6 hours later baby stopped breathing. Flushed out in special care and discharged 24 hrs later. Was baby suffering from hydrocephaly due to infection?

Age of mother 20
Racial origin caucasian
Employment housewife
Age of father 29
Racial origin caucasian
Employment factory opererative
Parents/carer accused of parents
Threat of arrest or arrested arrested
Any charges brought father charged with gbh
Charges dropped no
Child on police protection register yes
Child on at risk register yes
Child taken into care voluntary care m.g.parents
Time spent in care 10 days
Child still in care yes
Age of child at that time 6 weeks
Sex of child male
Marital status of parents/carer seperated because of case
Age of child now 10 weeks
Initial diagnosis coelic
Was diagnosis changed yes
Outcome shaken baby syndrome
Type of injury brain bleed not diagnosed
Retinal Haemorrhaging no
Other injuries no
Skeletal survey clear
Operation to drain blood/fluid brain tapped for 14 days
Birth details normal - baby was stressed
Intensive or special care no
Brain scan taken in special care no
Baby's health before collapse fair
Baby's health on day of collapse very poor
Vaccination at time of collapse no
Seizure or stopped breathing stopped breathing
No. of different medical opinions 3
Full or interim care order no