Notes: Leicester. Child was returned to the parents on 1/7/98 after six months in care. They have finished a 5 day court case. Child has since been returned, but under a Full Care Order.

Age of mother 34
Racial origin asian
Employment unemployed
Age of father 36
Racial origin asian
Employment unemployed
Parents/carer accused of shaking baby
Threat of arrest or arrested arrested by appointment
Any charges brought gbh
Charges dropped yes
Child on police protection register yes
Child on at risk register no
Child taken into care yes
Time spent in care 6 months
Child still in care no
Age of child at that time 10 months
Sex of child male
Marital status of parents/carer married
Age of child now 17 months
Initial diagnosis nothing found
Was diagnosis changed yes
Outcome NAI
Type of injury subdural
Retinal Haemorrhaging yes
Other injuries no
Skeletal survey clear
Operation to drain blood/fluid yes
Birth details normal delivery
Intensive or special care no
Brain scan taken in special care n/a
Baby's health before collapse good
Baby's health on day of collapse good
Vaccination at time of collapse unsure
Seizure or stopped breathing seizure
No. of different medical opinions 5
Full or interim care order interim